Product Management

The following features are available in Easy Profit for effective product management, data integrity, and simplifying the quotation process in various business and sales contexts.

Listing of All Product Details:

This feature allows users to access and view a comprehensive list of all product details available in a database or inventory system. It typically includes information such as product names, descriptions, prices, stock quantities, and any other relevant product attributes. It provides users with a clear overview of the entire product catalog.

Merging Product Entries:

Sometimes, similar products with minor variations in naming or attributes may be entered separately in a product database. This feature enables the system to identify and merge such product entries into a single product record, reducing redundancy and simplifying product management. For example, "XL T-Shirt" and "Extra Large Tee" could be merged into one product entry.

Setting Reference Prices for Saleable Products:

In the context of e-quotation (electronic quotation), reference prices are preset or standard prices assigned to saleable products. These reference prices serve as a basis for generating quotations or estimates for customers. By setting reference prices, businesses can streamline the quotation process, ensure pricing consistency, and provide accurate and timely quotes to potential customers.

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